Monday, March 25, 2013

Kidspiration: Food Web Chart


I enjoyed making a web chart about apples: where it comes from, types of apples, and what we can make from apples. This is a great way to demonstrate to students you can use computer programs to make charts instead of a paper and pen/pencil. Kidspiration provides images that makes the chart more colorful, fun, interactive, and interesting. I loved how I was able to add pictures with the words. It makes the food web more lively.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kidspiration: All About Me

I was always use to jotting down ideas by using a pen/pencil and paper so using the computer software, "Kidspiration" was an interesting experience. I liked finding images that pertained to me, my life, and my family. It was fun and I think a lot of students would enjoy using "Kidspiration."

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Remembering Excel

Last class we reviewed how to use the program, Excel. Re-learning about it brought back many memories. I remember learning about Excel in middle school. I rarely use the program now but it was fun working with it this past Wednesday. 

We had to do a practice using "skittles." It was a little confusing at first but after a while, I got the hang of it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hawaii Brochure

I made my first brochure in class two weeks ago with my partner Carmen. It was fun and we enjoyed coming up with ideas on how to make a brochure fun for kids. It was interesting learning new things about Hawaii and decorating the brochure.

I hope you guys like our brochure :) We enjoyed making it and loved how it came out.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The First Step

I'm anxious and excited to start my new journey on this blog. I never had a blog dedicated just to education but I can't wait to see how this goes. I am hoping to update this blog at least once a week to demonstrate what I have learned/created in my Tech class as long as what I do with my students in school. I hope you guys enjoy what you see and read too.